Thursday, July 12, 2012

Rocker Chic For Summer

I've always liked that dark, sleek, sexy, I-just-threw-this-on-but-still-look-awesome bad ass look. With all that black and some crazy pop of color, with studs, zippers,chains, lots of necklaces, just edgy and cool......that kinda vibe. Rihanna pulls this off easily with her crazy hair cuts and tattoos.

There are so many ways to pull off this look. You dont have to wear all black. That would be insane, since its summer and its so hot! you could be sweet and colorful with studs, zippers and chains. And since studs, metallica and neon are so in this summer, it's perfect.The most advisable thing to do would be to limit your studs,zippers and so on to just one accesory/piece. It could be your jacket, bangles, shoes, purse, anything.

Whichever you choose know that most of the time because of the chains and studs, tese pieces are the 'statement pieces1 of the outfit. This means you have to choose your entire outfit based on them. If your wearing black studed pumps, your entire outfit shouldnt outdo the pumps. They're the 'look at me!!!!" parts of your!!!

 Have fun!!!

          Thank you for reading!!!


  1. "TRB is a fashion blog and I'll be showcasing mainly African Fashion Designers because I feel they don't get the attention they deserve". Nice piece, but this doesn't look like the African Fashion you promised us.

    1. Thank you for reading and commenting. Well if you read that quote again you'll see that I did just that. All the designers I've profiled so far are african: 2 ghanaians and one nigerian. But it seems you want more of tthat, so that is exactly what I'll do.And fashion is pretty universal, you can rock the 'rocker chic' look in africa. :) Thank you again.
